Collective Worship

As a Church Academy, worship is an affirmation and celebration of our Christian ethos where children have the opportunity to learn, worship and grow in their understanding of God and of themselves. Worship in our Academy is not simply a statutory duty. We believe that at its heart, Collective Worship enables pupils and staff to gather together to respond to the presence, power and peace of God through prayer, reflection, singing, sharing and communicating feelings. Worship provides an opportunity for everyone at Hopton Church of England Primary Academy to develop an understanding of Jesus Christ and God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The aims of Collective Worship at Hopton Church of England Primary Academy are:

  • To provide an opportunity to worship God
  • To enable children to consider spiritual and moral issues
  • To enable children to explore their own beliefs
  • To encourage participation and response
  • To develop in children a sense of community spirit
  • To promote a common ethos with shared values and to reinforce positive attitudes

Daily Collective Worship is led by: teaching staff, support staff, pupils, members of the local church and the local community. Our Collective Worship is linked to the Core Values and other Christian Values.


Where does Collective Worship take place?

Collective Worship is an opportunity for the whole school to come together, although sometimes takes the form of class or Key Stage worship. It is usually at Hopton Church of England Primary Academy, but on occasions takes place at St Margaret’s Church, Hopton. The children also have the opportunity to attend Collective Worship at Norwich Cathedral.

Weekly Collective Worship Timetable

Whole School Collective WorshipWhole School Collective WorshipWhole School Collective WorshipLife SkillsCelebration Assembly

Open The Book

Open the Book is led by members of local churches who prepare and lead a special assembly. The children participate in making the picture for the story which originates from the Bible. Mrs Morgan and Mrs Nickerson from Saint Margaret’s Church Hopton bring ‘Open the Book’ to the School every fortnight.

In Norfolk more than 60 schools have an Open the Book Act of Collective Worship. At Hopton, we are now in our 10th year of doing this!  Nationally, more than 2000 schools have an Open the Book Act of Collective Worship each week.