Carlton Marshes Visit

Year 1 spent a wonderful day at Suffolk Wildlife Trust’s Carlton Marshes. The children had a fun-filled time learning about the invertebrate animals that live on the marshes and their surrounding habitat. During the Dyke-dipping session we were lucky enough to find a variety of animals living in the water, including a fearsome looking water scorpion, several ingenious water spiders (which carry a bubble of air as they dive under the water) and we were also lucky enough to find a dragonfly nymph! Following on from this we spent some time identifying some of the nearby trees and designing a key to identify their leaves. Finally, after lunch the children had a mini-beast hunt, collecting and grouping invertebrates from the marsh land this time. This time we found many crafty woodlice, hiding under logs, spiders and a rather beautiful soldier beetle. Year I would like to thank all the great helpers that came with us.