Harvest Celebration

What a fantastic Harvest Celebration we had! Year 6 truly excelled by re-telling the poem “A Ballad of Harvest Past.” Their sense of responsibility shone through as they helped Reception make it to the church. It was heartwarming to see how proud the whole school was of their clear and confident articulation of the poem. And who could forget the joy of joining in with the actions to “Big Combine Harvester”? Some songs really never go out of style! Well done, Year 6!

DT ‘Come Dine with Me’

I’m thrilled to share that Year 6 have successfully completed their ‘Come Dine with Me’ unit! They’ve had a fantastic time researching recipes centred around a key ingredient and working closely with their partners in the kitchen. It was brilliant to see them not only following their chosen recipes but also demonstrating resilience and perseverance when things didn’t quite go to plan. Their ability to tackle creative problem-solving challenges was truly impressive!

As a bonus, I had the absolute joy of tasting all the delightful dishes they produced, and let me tell you, they were utterly delicious! From savoury to sweet, each creation showcased their efforts and flair. A massive well done to Year 6 for their hard work and creativity throughout this unit! Keep that enthusiasm alive—can’t wait to see what you cook up next!

Kessingland Pen-Pals

Our children will be exchanging letters with our partner school Kessingland Primary Academy. This is a fantastic opportunity for them to have their very own Pen- pal! It will be incredible to see the journey this will take them on, and to see the different things they will find out from each other and the new friends they can make.

Year 1 Maths

In Maths, we have been practicing our measuring skills, this time focusing on volume and capacity. We have been measuring different volumes of liquid and we have also been making magical potions! The children have practiced using keywords: full, nearly full, half full, nearly empty and empty.

Year 1 Science

Year 1 have been looking at uses of everyday materials in Science. They investigated what materials floated on water and what sunk. They thought about what materials would be good to build a ship and did an experiment to test what size boat would hold the most.

Carlton Marshes Visit

Year 1 spent a wonderful day at Suffolk Wildlife Trust’s Carlton Marshes. The children had a fun-filled time learning about the invertebrate animals that live on the marshes and their surrounding habitat. During the Dyke-dipping session we were lucky enough to find a variety of animals living in the water, including a fearsome looking water scorpion, several ingenious water spiders (which carry a bubble of air as they dive under the water) and we were also lucky enough to find a dragonfly nymph! Following on from this we spent some time identifying some of the nearby trees and designing a key to identify their leaves. Finally, after lunch the children had a mini-beast hunt, collecting and grouping invertebrates from the marsh land this time. This time we found many crafty woodlice, hiding under logs, spiders and a rather beautiful soldier beetle. Year I would like to thank all the great helpers that came with us. 


Today year 1 made Christingles when learning about Christmas Light and understanding how Jesus is the light of the world.

Christingle is a joyful celebration that brings families and communities together to share the light of Jesus and spread a message of hope.

The children had to read and follow instructions in pairs so that they were developing their Reading skills through their RE lesson.

Coastline Exploration

Year one had a great time exploring different, unique qualities and habitats along our coastline. They enjoyed the alternative environment and created amazing stone sculptures which they then shared with their peers. 


Year 4 had such a fantastic morning kicking off our new Science topic of Electricity with the amazing guidance of Mad Science! 

Pupils took part in hair-raising investigations which included: human circuits and boggy burning!